Harnessing More From Your Solar
Choosing the Right Community Energy Partner
Alberta’s Original Solar Rewards Program
If you are registered by the Wires Service Provider as a micro-generator, you are automatically eligible for membership in Alberta’s best solar rewards program.
You can switch between the Solar Club ™ seasonal fixed LO and HI rates any time during the month. Use the automated online “My Account” service, and the switch will be automatic, eliminating the normal 10-day lead time. If you need help, email our customer care team.
A general guideline on when to switch? From LO to HI during April and back onto the HI rate during October. With the wealth of data provided, it is easy to manage the switch dates yourself. You know your system the best.
Remember! Each PV Solar installation will be slightly different, depending on your location, usage patterns, and the location and number of panels. Picking the best date to switch rates is an individual choice. Unique to the Solar Club ™, you have the option of Back-Dating or Forward-Dating the dates when you want your account switched.
Maximizing Your Seasonal Solar

The Perks of Membership
Solar Club™ Loyalty Program

Alberta has a wealth of imaginative and environmentally sensitive people. The amount of solar PV systems installed in the province is on the rise. How can we encourage even more micro-generation investment in the province?
We believe in paying micro-generators a reasonable price for the surplus green electricity they produce and ship back to the grid. To encourage more Albertans to invest in solar systems we have introduced the Solar Club™ Loyalty Program.
The program was designed specifically to help small solar micro-generators earn a premium on their solar electricity and help further green Alberta’s electricity grid.
To qualify for all the benefits included in this Solar Club package, you must be listed in the provincial Site Catalog as a micro-generator, and we kindly ask you to consider donating to your local food bank or a charity of your choice.
Included in the Solar Club™ Package
The Original Rate Plan
Switch between our HI and LO Rates to accommodate seasonal generation fluctuations
Credit Balance Transfer
Use a credit balance from your microgen account to pay off one or more upcoming invoices
Sell Your Offsets
Earn extra income by selling your carbon credits in Alberta’s carbon market
Earn Cash Back
Earn cash back two ways: 3% cash back on all energy imported from the grid, and an additional 3% cash back on bundled natural gas usage, paid out annually
Choose your invoice date using our Pick-a-Date program and control when you pay your bills. Some conditions apply
Community Partners
We will donate a portion of our proceeds to a local Community Partner at no extra cost to you!
Price Match
When the RRO exceeds our HI Rate, you’ll get the RRO price for that month
Shine & Win Contest
Stay tuned for new contests.
Solar Ready Program™
Get access to our Pre-Solar Rate™ while you wait for your site to be flagged as a microgen site.
Albertans Serving Albertans
Empowering Your Solar Journey: Choosing the Right Energy Partner
What Will It Cost To Green Your Home’s Energy?
With Green Alberta Energy and your local Community Energy Marketer, you can reduce your emissions footprint and support Alberta’s growth of renewable energy.
You are in control. Choose how much of your energy consumption you want to green. Just green what you can afford; every little bit helps.
click to go to our Green Energy Calculator