Park Power

Park Power

Your Friendly, Local Utilities Provider

Pre-Solar Rate


This Solar Ready™ program will save you money while you wait for solar to be installed and go live.

LO Winter Rate


Once your site is registered as a micro-generator, it will automatically be switched to the LO Rate.

HI Summer Rate


Switch to the HI Rate at any time. Designed for club members exporting excess electricity to the grid.

Join Alberta’s biggest solar community

Choosing Park Power supports not just any company, but a local Sherwood Park business owned by Kris Kasawski, who isn't just the owner; he’s a vital community member dedicated to contributing positively to the local area. Here, energy does more than power homes; it fuels community solidarity and growth.

Did you know?

The Solar Club’s Virtual Solar Community is one of the largest in Alberta!

Leading Alberta’s Green Movement

We give where we live

Community Partners

We are pleased to be part of those supporting our community

Solar Installers

We partner with many of Alberta’s best Solar Installers

Loyalty Program

We’re part of Alberta’s most innovative solar loyalty program

Leading Alberta’s Green Movement

We give where we live

Community Partners

We are pleased to be part of those supporting our community.

Solar Installers

We partner with many of Alberta’s best Solar Installers

Loyalty Program

We’re part of Alberta’s most innovative solar loyalty program

Our Community Partners

  • Supported by: Park Power

    Ardrossan Dreamcatcher Nature Assisted Therapy Association
    Dreamcatcher™ Nature Assisted Therapy is a psychology practice situated just a half-hour drive east of Edmonton. The team is dedicated to helping children, youth, and adults find healing, balance, confidence, and happiness that contribute to their personal growth.
  • Supported by: Park Power

    Boys & Girls Club Of Strathcona County
    BGC Strathcona County has served the County community since 2001, enriching the lives of 2500 children and youth annually through after-school, spring break and summer camp programs that offer fun, challenging experiences and activities focused on healthy living, personal growth, learning, and community involvement. Park Power donates 10% of its electricity profits to the Boys & Girls Club of Strathcona Country when a customer designates that they want to support them during sign up.
  • Supported by: Park Power

    Canadian Parks And Wilderness Society Northern Alberta (CPAWS)
    CPAWS Northern Alberta has championed the protection of Alberta’s diverse natural heritage since its establishment in 1968 as the first regional chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. CPAWS is Canada’s pre-eminent, non-profit wilderness protection organization. Together, they are working to keep at least half of Canada’s public land and water wild – forever. Park Power donates 10% of its electricity profits to CPAWS when a customer designates that they want to support them during sign up.
  • Supported by: Park Power

    CKUA Radio Network
    As Alberta’s donor-supported broadcaster, CKUA has been delivering a diverse range of music and thoughtful programming. CKUA takes pride in being the voice of Alberta for music, arts, and culture.
  • Supported by: Park Power

    Festival Place Cultural Arts Foundation (FPCAF)
    The Festival Place Cultural Arts Foundation (FPCAF) is committed to supporting and promoting Festival Place in Sherwood Park. They support the community’s emerging artists through grants, promotion and collaboration with schools and other community groups. Its mission is to help increase the awareness of local artists and to support their artistic development through the furthering of their schooling, mentoring and exposure. Park Power donates 10% of its electricity profits to the FPCAF when a customer designates that they want to support them during sign up.
  • Supported by: Park Power

    Muscular Dystrophy Canada
    The mission of Muscular Dystrophy Canada is to enhance the lives of those affected with neuromuscular disorders by continually working to provide ongoing support and resources while relentlessly searching for a cure through well funded research. Its vision is to find a cure for neuromuscular disorders in our lifetime. Park Power donates 10% of its electricity profits to Muscular Dystrophy Canada when a customer designates that they want to support them during sign up.
  • Supported by: Park Power

    Parents Empowering Parents Society
    Parents Empowering Parents (PEP) Society is dedicated to assisting and instructing families who are confronting the consequences of substance abuse in both young and adult children.
  • Supported by: Park Power

    Saffron Centre
    The mission of Saffron Centre is to work to support the healing and empowerment of those who have been affected by sexual assault, abuse and sexual violence; and to promote change in attitudes, beliefs and social norms. Park Power donates 10% of its electricity profits to the Saffron Centre when a customer designates that they want to support them during sign up.

Frequently Asked Questions

Flipping the Switch: FAQs on Changing Your Solar Energy Provider

How do I become a Solar Club Member?2024-03-27T12:30:43-06:00

Easy! Simply apply for a Solar Club rate through one of our Community Energy Marketers.

Not ready yet? Simply apply for one of our variable or fixed rates and then switch to a Solar Club rate once your system has been activated.

What is the High (HI) rate for? What is the Low (LO) rate for?2024-04-10T13:23:07-06:00

The HI Export Rate is designed for micro-generators who are generating more energy than they are using. This is typically used during the summer months (March to October).

The LO Export Rate is designed for micro-generators who are using more energy than they are generating. This is typically used during the winter months (November to February).

When should I switch between rates, and how do I switch rates?2024-04-10T13:23:29-06:00

Switching rates usually depends on your generation/usage patterns, but most micro-generators switch from LO to HI in March and from HI to LO in October. We send out reminder emails in March and October as well. Contact our Customer Care team if you need help figuring out when to switch.

You can choose an effective date that is as far back as your last meter read date.

Can I really choose a switch date that has occurred in the past?2024-04-10T13:22:41-06:00

Yes, you can! You can switch rates as far back as your last billing cycle, so be sure to take advantage of this time-travelling superpower and use it to maximize the days when your solar panels were capturing the most sunshine!

How often can I switch?2024-03-27T12:35:39-06:00

You can switch once per billing cycle, penalty-free, to accommodate seasonal electricity generation fluctuations.

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